National ICT Policy 2002
National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy (October : 2002)Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
1.0 Preamble2.0 Vision and Objectives
2.1 Vision2.2 Objectives 3.0 Policy Statements
3.1 Training and Human Resources Development
3.2 ICT Infrastructure
3.3 Research and Development in ICT
3.4 ICT Industry
3.4.1 Software Industry
3.4.2 Hardware Industry
3.4.3 Services Industry
3.5 E-Commerce
3.6 E-Government/E-Governance
3.7 Legal Issues
3.8 Health Care
3.9 Agriculture and Poverty Alleviation
3.10 Social Welfare
3.11 Transportation
3.12 Tourism
3.13 Environment
3.14 Judiciary
3.15 Regional and International Cooperation
4.0 Implementation and Monitoring
4.1 Funds and Resources
4.2 Institutional Arrangement for ICT Policy Updating, Standardizing, Implementing and Monitoring
ADP Annual Development Program
BAC Bureau of Anti-Corruption
BCC Bangladesh Computer Council
BIT Bangladesh Institute of Technology
BTTB Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board
CD Compact Disc
ERD Economic Relations Division
GIS Geographic Information System
HRD Human Resource Development
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IT Information Technology
ISP Internet Service Provider
IT Information Technology
MOSICT Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology
MW Micro Wave
NAPE National Academy for Primary Education
NBR National Board of Revenue
NII National Information Infrastructure
PDB Power Development Board
PTI Primary Teachers Training Institute
R&D Research and Development
RD & COOP Rural Development & Cooperative
TTC Teachers Training College
UHF Ultra High Frequency
VAT Value Added TaxWAN Wide Area Network
1.0 Preamble
1.1 Information Communication Technology (ICT) encompasses the broad fields of data/information processing, transmission and communications by means of computer and telecommunication techniques and these modern tools are being increasingly used for organizational/personal information processing in all sectors of economy and society. This document presents the policy guidelines for the development of the ICT sector in Bangladesh.
1.2 A dependable information system is essential for efficient management and operation of the public and private sectors. But there is a shortage of locally generated information needed for efficient performance of these sectors. In order to meet this objective, ICT use in every sector shall have to be accelerated in terms of information generation, utilization and applications. Considering the gravity and importance of ICT Hon’ble Prime Minister has already declared ICT as the thrust sector.
1.3 Over the last few years, many nations have taken advantage of the opportunities afforded by ICT within a policy framework, laid down guidelines and proceeded with the formulation of a national ICT strategy as a part of the overall national development plan. Bangladesh intends to use ICT as the key-driving element for socio-economic development.
2. 0 Vision and Objectives
2.1 VisionThis Policy aims at building an ICT-driven nation comprising of knowledge-based society by the year 2006. In view of this, a country-wide ICT-infrastructure will be developed to ensure access to information by every citizen to facilitate empowerment of people and enhance democratic values and norms for sustainable economic development by using the infrastructure for human resources development, governance, e-commerce, banking, public utility services and all sorts of on-line ICT-enabled services..
2.2 Objectives
2.2.1 In order to give a thrust to the ICT sector and expeditious development of Software industry and its export required infrastructural facilities and legal framework will be created..
2.2.2 Provide effective incentives for development of ICT sector to both local and foreign entrepreneurs;
2.2.3 Develop an efficient ICT infrastructure that provides open access to international and national network;
2.2.4 Promote and facilitate use of ICT in all sectors of the economy for transparency, good governance and efficiency improvement;
2.2.5 Establish legislative and regulatory framework for ICT issues like IPR, data security and protection, digital signature, e-Commerce, ICT education etc. as well as to ensure quality ICT education provided by different private organizations
2.2.6 Set up national databases that are reliable and easily accessible to all the people of the country;
2.2.7 Promote use of ICT by providing special allocations for ICT project implementation in the public sector. Train the decision makers in ICT use and promote a ICT culture;.
2.2.8 Develop a large pool of world class ICT professionals to meet the needs of local and global markets
2.2.9 Set up a very high quality ICT institution to continuously promote and foster ICT Industry;
2.2.10 Enact Laws and Regulations for uninterrupted growth of ICT, in conformity with World Trade Organization (WTO) stipulations.
3.0 Policy Statements
3.1 Training and Human Resources DevelopmentBangladesh must prepare itself to compete effectively in the global ICT market. As the demand for skilled manpower in ICT is growing world-wide, the country needs to produce a large number of ICT professionals. The specific policy statements are:
3.1.1 Widespread introduction of ICT education in public and private educational institutions is a prerequisite for producing skilled ICT manpower. Facilities shall be built to promote ICT training and computer aided training at all levels of education including Primary Schools and Madrasahs. Donor agencies, non-government organizations and other development partners of the country shall be encouraged to help build the necessary capacity in this area.
3.1.2 Universities, Bangladesh Institutes of Technology and colleges, both in the public and private sectors, shall be strengthened to produce ICT graduates in four-year Computer Science and/or Engineering courses. Necessary resources will be allocated to these institutions.
3.1.3 Out of the three Science and Technology universities proposed in the Fifth Five-Year Plan, one will be established as center of excellence in ICT by giving higher allocation of resources.
3.1.4 Establish multimedia institutes upto district level to start with to produce skilled human resources to exploit the opportunity offered by the growing multimedia-market.
3.1.5 Diploma and Trade Certificate in ICT will be offered in both public and private institutes including Polytechnics. The continual skill upgrading of existing professionals working in public and private sectors shall be ensured by in-service training programmes.
3.1.6 The shortage of trained and qualified teachers and trainers for ICT training is a bottleneck to the HRD plan. To address the issue, IT-Capacity-Building of the Teachers Training Institutes (TTI) including TTCs, NAPE, PTI will be taken up. To teach the teachers and trainers, intensive post-graduate diploma courses will be introduced in TTIs. Training programmes to train and retrain them periodically to keep them up-to-date with the technological progress in the area of ICT will be introduced. ICT literacy will be a desirable requirement in the recruitment and selection of teachers. Divisional training centers of BCC will provide TOT (Training for the Trainers) to build up sufficient number of skilled trainers.
3.1.7 As it would be difficult to train teachers in ICT in large number using the present infrastructure, deploy virtual ICT trainers wherever possible. CD and web based course ware development and use shall be encouraged to promote computer-aided education at all level of education.
3.1.8 To address the issue of deficiency in English and mathematics education, a crash programme shall be taken up to train teachers. To ensure standard and quality of ICT education, a national certification and accreditation system shall be developed and implemented.
3.1.9 Take up programmes to develop quality ICT professionals and skilled personnel to ensure success in the global software and ICT-enabled services market. Encourage and support formal and informal sector to adopt internationally accepted standards in training programs and to introduce globally acceptable standards.
3.1.10 Use the potential of ICT for delivery of distance education to help stretch the country’s limited teaching resources and ensure quality education to all.
3.1.11 Qualified and skilled teachers will be brought in from abroad in the fields where local teachers are not available.
3.1.12 Syllabus and Course Curricula for all levels of Computer Science training will be updated continuously
3.2 ICT Infrastructure
3.2.1 To ensure capacity building of the nation in the field of Information Technology and to attain a sustainable growth of the ICT sector of Bangladesh and to help compete in the expanding global ICT market, Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology and BCC should be appropriately strengthened.
3.2.2. To support the growing demand of the ICT sector, appropriate ICT infrastructure to be established immediately both in public and private sector. As telecommunication infrastructure is an integral part of ICT, so the telecommunication sector should be deregulated and made open to private sector investors as early as possible.
3.2.3. In order to establish direct connectivity with international information and communication backbone Bangladesh will join Fiber Optic Submarine Cable network.
3.2.4 Development of telecommunication infrastructure should be considered as Infrastructure Development Industries like Development of Road, Electricity, Power, Computer/ICT Industry etc.
3.2.5. Facilitate development of telecommunication infrastructure at the least possible cost with little or no customs duty during construction of the infrastructure up to June , 2006.
3.2.6 As telecommunication infrastructure [Telephone Exchange, Towers, Radio/Telephone Transmission Lines etc.] are similar to electric power infrastructure [Generator, Pylons, Power Grid and Gas Transmission Lines], so Customs Duty & Tax etc. should be amended accordingly in the same line .
3.2.7 Cellular telephone handsets are being increasingly used as terminals for emailing and other ICT uses. Customs duty & tax etc. of cellular mobile telephone handsets should be brought down to a reasonable level.
3.2.8 The use of ICT and information services should be affordable to the people; and therefore the cost (and hence the price) of carriage. Infrastructure & Services should be provided by a multiplicity of enterprises like the BTTB, Railways, Electricity and Gas Companies.
3.2.9 Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board (BTTB) has resources like land, MW/UHF Towers all over the country which should be shared with other Private sector companies for augmenting Information Infrastructure. BTRC should take the leadership to coordinate the activities of Public Utility sectors [BTTB, PDB, Gas, Railway etc.] and make their existing dormant/underutilized infrastructure and resources (land, Microware/UHF Towers building, Radio Towers, Power Pylons, Cable Duct etc.) for the promotion of ICT. BTRC should encourage cooperation between BTTB, Railways, PDB, REB Power Grid Company, Oil and Gas Companies, etc., which have right of way and infrastructure to build digital microwave and optical fiber based photonic information transport systems for use by ICT service providers.
3.2.9 BTTB should cooperate with Private Licensed ICT service providers to transform its underutilized resources into countrywide Information Infrastructure on commercial bassis To this end, BTTB should make joint venture agreements with Private Lincensed ICT service providers where BTTB will make available its resources like land, Microware/UHF Towers, Cable Duct etc. on a commercial basis under existing rules and practice.The Licensed Private ICT service providers shall provide necessary finance and technology to construct countrywide National Information Infrastructure (NII) for use of all Telecommunication and Internet Service Providers (ISP).
3.2.10 BTTB will increasingly shift its role from Service Provider to individual subscribers Infrastucture Provider to all other Telecommunication Service Providers and ISPs on commercial basis.
3.2.11 Socio-economic development can be accelerated if more people can have access to information. Teledensity is important in this respect and it will be increased to broaden the coverage, which will improve the socio-economic condition of the people through ICT-related activities in line with experience of developed countries.
3.2.12 Basic telecommunication facilities will be extended to the rural and under-served areas to bring the greater mass into the stream of ICT activities both by the public and private sector.
3.2.13 Advanced and new technologies will be introduced to expand the existing network and will be extended gradually to the rural and under served areas.3.2.14 Telecommunication facility will be made available to all segments of the society and all of the present and emerging services will be provided at an affordable cost.
3.2.15 To provide dial-up Internet access from local telephone calls ISPs will be provided with relevant technological facilities .
3.2.16 The Internet facility will be extended to all the district headquarters and subsequently to its adjacent areas upto Upzila levels. Internet will be provided to the educational institutions and libraries .
3.2.17 To ensure public access to information, Cyber Kiosks will be set up in all Post offices, Union complex and Upzila complex. Private sector participation will be encouraged to set up these facilities.
3.2.18 To support the installation of ISPs in the country national high speed communication backbone for Internet will be developed and international high-speed gateway facilities for ISPs will be provided on commercial basis.
3.2.19 Inter-ISP communication is time consuming and costly as there is no Internet exchange in the country at present. The problem will be solved by establishing Internet exchange.
3.2.20 An integrated flexible and reliable nation-wide information communication network capable of voice, audio, video, data and graphics transmission will be ensured. National Information Infrastructure will be developed and it will be directly connected to Global Information Infrastructure through Information superhighway to create, collect and sell software and provide ICT enabled services to the world-market through involvement of both the public and private sectors.
3.2.21 To improve the quality of present telecommunication services and to help provide value added services analog telephone-switches and transmission link of the existing telephone network will be replaced by digital switches and digital transmission link as early as possible.
3.2.22 The bandwidth capacity and availability will be ensured all over the country at a reasonable cost to encourage the growth of Internet, ICT industries, e-Commerce and e-Government
3.2.23 Development of local technological capabilities through local ICT industry will be emphasized. The service component of the ICT industry will be conducted by local private firms, in association with foreign firms as and where possible.
3.2.24 Hi-Tech Zones will be established through technology transfer with the cooperation of foreign companies and Bangladeshis working abroad. Software Technology Park with dedicated and advanced data communication facilities shall be established and software development and export companies will be encouraged to set up workspace in those parks at preferential terms.
3.2.25 A central depository for collection and dissemination of ICT information and research findings will be developed. This will be done under a network, connecting all university libraries and research organization to this central depository, which in turn will be connected to the Internet.
3.2.26 Solar power will be encouraged specially in those inaccessible areas where use of ICT is constrained due to lack of electricity
3.2.27 Use of VoIP and WLL (Wireless Local Loop) technologies will be reviewed and realistic measures taken thereafter.
3.3 Research and Development in ICT
3.3.1 Research and development in ICT will focus on need based fundamental and applied research contributing to the improvement of quality and efficiency of the application to our ICT industry.
3.3.2 Bangladesh Computer Council will encourage ICT R&D activities carried out by the public and private sector organisations.
3.3.3 BCC along with ICT industries, will assist in formulating plans to conduct need-based R&D activities in the Universities, BITs and public & private sector R&D institutions and encourage the younger generation in these activities. The ICT industry may fund for R&D activities for new ICT products and services through Industry-Academia collaboration.
3.3.4 A central on-line data bank for scientific and technological information will be established, which can be accessed by educational institutions and other R&D organisations.
3.3.5 R&D efforts on Bangla text processing, Bangla voice recognition, translation and synthesis will be intensified.
3.3.6 Technology Corporations such as Microsoft, IBM, Computer Associates, Oracle, SAP etc. will be approached to set up their R & D Centers in Bangladesh.
3.3.7 Contents for Internet and Intranet will be developed in Bangla
3.4 ICT Industry3.4.1 Software Industry To develop and encourage the local software industry, price preference may be given to locally developed software in all public and private sector procurement. In order to assist fast development of local Software Industries, Government will set up an ICT Incubator. The government will extend start-up financial support to the local software industry. Non-Resident Bangladeshis and experts will be encouraged to set up software development companies. The associations of software companies and developers should be encouraged to exchange ideas, experience and organize collective operations such as seminars, training, etc. and take part in trade delegations and trade shows for acquaintance with the international market, trends and establishment of business contacts. The Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) and Commercial wing of Bangladesh Missions abroad shall take vigorous steps to identify and explore markets for export of software, data entry services and ICT-enabled services from Bangladesh, including promotion of strategic partnership and outsourcing opportunities. Joint ventures between local and foreign entrepreneurs in the ICT sector will be vigorously promoted. An annual target of 3 (three) billion US dollars from earnings of export of software, data entry and IT-enabled services shall be planned up to year 2006. The target shall be revised periodically to match the growth of the market.
3.4.2 Hardware Industry Hardware industry often requires a huge capital investment and entrepreneurs shall be encouraged to establish production facilities for components, peripherals and accessories with joint venture cooperation and technology transfer agreements. Foreign owned and multinational companies, who will establish such production facilities in Bangladesh and employ our workforce, shall be offered special incentives. IT/ICT Laboratories and resource center in universities and other concerned institutions will be set up to develop skilled manpower required to establish and run hardware industry. Since the local market is still small, the hardware industry may target the export market. Dependence on foreign materials should be reduced where possible by giving incentives to local companies and protecting them from unfavorable competition. Local institutions and R&D organizations shall also be encouraged for research, design, and manufacturing of specialized informatics equipment.
3.4.3 Services Industry Bangladesh, having the advantage of cost-effective labour, must endeavor for expansion and export of ICT-enabled services such as medical transcription, data entry, data processing, call centers etc. at home and abroad. NGOs interested to contribute for the expansion of ICT sector, will be provided with facilities.
3.5 E-Commerce
3.5.1 The Government and the private sector will promote business in electronic form and create an environment in which it will be well secured. Government will take initiative to introduce and promote Government-to-Government (G2G) transaction under the purview of e-commerce. Gradually this initiative will also be extended from G2G to Government to Business (G2B) transaction in the same line.
3.5.2 Authentication of the identities of both buyer and seller or the involved parties in an electronic transaction is crucial to promote inter-bank transaction, encryption e-commerce. Security of electronic transaction should be ensured through appropriate measures.
3.5.3 Establish immediately inter-banking payment system in electronic form.
3.5.4 Legal framework to provide the guiding principles, rules and legislation for e-Commerce shall be put in place.
3.6 e-Government/e-Governance
3.6.1 The Government shall use ICT system within the public administration to improve efficiency, reduce wastage of resources, enhance planning and raise the quality of services.
3.6.2 Government shall implement wide-spread ICT systems to provide nation wide coverage and access by any citizen to the government databases and administrative systems which can be used to extend public services to the remotest corner.
3.6.3 All Government ministries, divisions, departments, autonomous bodies and all District headquarters, Upzilla headquarters and Union Parishad offices must be networked to the National Data Resource Centre in the shortest possible time. The centre shall be a system of national databases having capacity to store and supply rapidly all necessary information on the economic, cultural and social situation of our country.
3.6.4 Each Ministry, Division, Government body shall create a ICT Cell, to be managed and run by well trained ICT professionals to plan, coordinate and implement ICT projects and services. Special compensation package comparable to that of private sector shall be introduced to encourage ICT professionals.
3.6.5 All Ministries, Divisions, agencies of government and autonomous organizations shall set up web sites where all policy documents and information relevant to the public shall be posted as early as possible and regularly updated. There will be a web portal of Bangladesh Government from which link will be provided to the web sites, like e-forms, e-procurement, e-recruitment, e-results etc.
3.6.6 Government will introduce and promote ICT based services like G2G (Government to Government), G2E (Government to Employee), G2C (Government to Customer) etc.
3.6.7 Preference shall be given to ICT literate candidates for the purpose of recruitment in public offices. ICT-literacy shall also be evaluated in the ACR of officials to ensure utilization of ICT in the public services.
3.6.8 In order to establish database on the secondary schools which are providing computers training at grass root level, MIS will be introduced.
3.7 Legal Issues
3.7.1 Software copyright provisions embodied in the Copyright Act 2000 will be implemented by promptly setting up appropriate enforcing bodies as mentioned in the Act.
3.7.2 ICT Act should be enacted immediately to protect against computer crimes such as computer fraud, hacking and damage to programs and data and introducing/spreading computer viruses.
3.7.3 Data security and interoperability should be ensured through actions such as setting of encryption standards and international agreements on interoperability.
3.7.4 With the increase in the use of Internet and Information Technology in every sphere of human activities, formulation of new laws or amendment to the existing ones should be done as deemed necessary, to ensure security of data, freedom of information.
3.7.5 ICT will be used by the law enforcing agencies to ensure safety and security of life and property of the citizen.
3.7.6 Agencies like Police, NBR and BAC shall use ICT for quick disposal and monitoring of investigation of cases.
3.7.7 Bangladesh Armed forces should use ICT to the fullest extent to increase their efficiency and effectiveness.
3.8 Health Care.
3.8.1 The main focus in the use of ICT and communication technologies in Healthcare will be to deliver new capabilities for hospitals and healthcare providers. ICT should be used to develop such capabilities specifically in the areas of electronic medical records, telemedicine, medical and health education, etc.
3.8.2 Telemedicine System Network shall be introduced throughout the country for cost-effective delivery of health care services. The Telemedicine Network will be used for rural patient management, distant medical education, training of health professionals and to develop mass awareness for disease prevention.
3.8.3 Development of Bangladesh Health Portal should be given priority for appropriate growth of e-health and telemedicine referral system. International tele-consultation through telemedicine for critical patients will be promoted in both private and public sector.
3.8.4 All public hospitals and medical research centers shall be linked by computer networks with Medical center of excellence as the central hub in order to make expert services available throughout the country. This network may be gradually extended to the local level.
3.9 Agriculture and Poverty Alleviation
3.9.1 Agriculture including fisheries and livestock is the main source of earnings for the majority of the people of Bangladesh and hence use of ICT systems in these sectors are very much essential to reap its unutilized potentials and thereby improving the socio economic conditions particularly of the rural people. Proper initiatives will be taken to utilize ICT systems in agro-based industries, agricultural research, and dissemination of agricultural technology, agri-business development to the farmers and preparation and maintenance of agricultural database.
3.10 Social Welfare
3.10.1 Nation-wide ICT systems will be implemented for rural development activities, agricultural, horticulture, fisheries and livestock extension for farmers, career guidance for youth, technology guidance for rural enterprises, micro level planning etc. Communities and user groups or beneficiaries would be actively encouraged to participate in all such activities.
3.10.2 Public grievance redressal will be incorporated in the ICT-based system to facilitate access to citizens through any of the kiosks, public facilitation centers or Government offices. It would be made email based and strengthened to facilitate monitoring and on-line responses.
3.10.3 Non-government organizations will be encouraged to establish centers at the village level for providing hardware/software or other support services. At the same time the Government will use both the formal and non-formal channels to disseminate information about the application, advantages to communities of the use of ICT.
3.11 Transportation
3.11.1 The government will introduce an ICT-based integrated transport management system.
3.11.2 Commercial transport agencies will be encouraged to deploy Information Technology for dynamic route planning and traffic management.
3.11.3 ICT will be used for online booking and ticketing services of all public and private transport companies.
3.12 TourismTo harness the potential of the tourism industry in Bangladesh, Information Technology should be strengthened aggressively :
3.12.1 Information Technology should be used to project tourists‘ attractions in Bangladesh through the Internet.
3.12.2 A reliable, comprehensive, on-line information system to satisfy the needs of the tourists for travel and accommodation to deliver instant and up-to-date information will be developed.
3.12.3 The partnership with both the local and foreign agencies relevant to tourism will be strengthened and encouraged to introduce on-line reservation for travel and accommodation, booking and ticketing for arts and entertainment events and shopping.
3.13 Environment
The growing environmental pollution has endangered all forms of lives including the human existence. In this era of wired world, the Information Technology can help build the capabilities to fight against the environmental degradation.
3.13.1 Information Technology will be deployed to collect and disseminate information on environmental problems and their causes in order to create awareness about environment among the common people.
3.13.2 Information system for making a complete inventory of existing flora & fauna of Bangladesh, their habitats and other natural communities whose existence has been endangered will be created.
3.13.3 GIS and other ICT-based systems will be set up for planning at the national level, for agricultural crops estimation, for conservation of nature while accommodating compatible land use to maintain the ecological balance.
3.13.4 Information and Communication Technology will be used to help solve the most pressing problems of environment in the urban areas like toxic emissions from vehicles, industries and other sources.
3.14 Judiciary
3.14.1 To enhance the capacity of the judiciary, computer based Management Information System (CMIS), with suitable Wide Area Network (WAN) and Local Area Network (LAN), will be established for the Supreme Court and for the District Courts and Tribunals. It may consists of three inter-related modules, namely,(i) a case management module,
(ii) a legal framework module, essentially covering two basic sources of updates, namely the Bangladesh legislative code and the Bangladesh case law (reported Supreme Court rulings) database and
(iii) a court administration module, whose areas of application may include court inspection, planning and budgeting, transactions, financial accounts, staff-related information and reporting, statistical applications and records management.
3.15 Regional and International Cooperation
3.15.1 The Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology and BCC will be the focal point for the regional and international cooperation in the area of Information and Communication Technology.
3.15.2 The Ministry of Science and ICT shall explore Regional, Sub-Regional and International cooperation and execute collaborative agreements on ICT with developed and developing countries as well as with relevant international agencies and development partners.
3.15.3 The Ministry of Science and ICT will facilitate participation in the regional and international forum to reap benefit for the country’s economy.
4.0 Implementation and Monitoring
4.1 Funds and Resources
4.1.1 Government spending in ICT shall be increased to at least 2% of ADP by 2006.
4.1.2 New budget provision for ICT should be created for all Ministries, Divisions, Departments and Bodies and all Autonomous sectors should be encouraged to make their own investment in the application of ICT in production, trade and services. ERD should explore external assistance for necessary infrastructure and human resources development conforming to the ICT Policy.
4.1.3 Those ICT companies will get preferential terms, which will be able to meet up 20 percent of its revenue expenditure from the earnings of export of software and ICT-enabled services.
4.1.4 A centralized fund for R&D and HRD will be created within BCC. It will be encouraged to contribute 1% of all profits from Software and ICT-enabled services to the R&D and HRD fund.
4.2 Institutional Arrangement for ICT Policy Updating, Standardizing, Implementing and Monitoring
4.2.1 In order to make best utilization of ICT and exploit its immense potential in the economic, social, commercial, and scientific fields a National ICT Task Force headed by the Hon’ble Prime Minister has already been formed. This apex national body will guide in updating, standardizing, implementing, and monitoring the ICT policy.
4.2.2 The Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology will collaborate with all Ministries/Divisions/Departments/Autonomous Bodies including Banks and Insurances to promote and use ICT in respective areas of operation.
4.2.3 MOSICT shall remain alert and apprise the Government on the progress and development of ICT sector both at home and abroad.
4.2.4. MOSICT will work in unison with the private sector and Universities as promoter of ICT activities and business.
4.2.5 MOSICT and BCC will be reorganized and strengthened in phases to cope with the present need and future requirement of ICT.
For Original version of "National ICT Policy 2002" please visit:
UN G3ICT conference proceedings
Here is a link to the of proceedings of the UN G3ICT conference "Joint ITU-T & G3ict Forum 2008 " The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Challenges and Opportunities for ICT Standards"
The conference proceedings included the announcement of a toolikt for policy makers on "e-Accessibility and service needs for people with disabilities".
Source: Saowalak Thongkuay, RDO, DPI-AP
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, June 2, 2008
Assistive technology for the disabled

Author: Farooque Hossain Kamrul
(The author, a physically challenged person, is a trainee at Thakral Information Systems Pvt Ltd, Dhaka.) Source: The Dailystar 2008-01-26
Assistive Technology News
Qualility of the lives of People With Disabilities can be improved by utilization of Assistive Technology Products.
Find some of those products at:
Thursday, May 22, 2008
ICT For Enabling People With Disabilities
Access to information is one among the basic human rights for all. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an important driving force for modern development. With the advancement of (ICT), one can live in the global village irrespective of distance, national and international boundaries. The term Information and Communication Technology (ICT) springs from the convergence of telecommunication, computing
and broadcasting through the use of digital information. It covers any products that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit and receive information electronically in a digital form. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) encompasses the broad fields of information and communications by means of computer and telecommunication tools are being increasingly used for information processing in all sectors of development. ICT is of course an enabling technology and we should not loose sight of this fact. If it is not properly planed, managed and implemented it might put us into social gaps or to the `Digital Divide'.
People with disabilities in Bangladesh have already been lagging far behind the mainstream development as well as of our socio-economic and cultural activities. Hence, ICT can be a significant means of bridging this gap. It is strongly felt that none of us should be left out in isolation in this highly competitive, useful and exciting digital world. And this is why ICT accessibility is very important to all of us, especially, the people with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are an inevitable part of the society and more than 10 percent of our total population is comprised of them. And still they are considered as a burden and liability to the family as well as to the community. If we cannot integrate these large number disabled persons into the mainstream development of the nation our national development would be belated.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one of the most important and vital field intervention through which the disabled persons could be successfully integrated into different faculties of development it can immensely benefit people with disability and community as well of the community. ICT is of course an enabling technology and we should not loose sight of this fact. It is strongly felt that none of us should be left out in isolation in this highly useful and challenging digital world. And this is why ICT accessibility has become important to all of us, especially, the people with disabilities. As we know persons with disabilities in Bangladesh have already been lagging far behind the mainstream development because of their disability as well as of our socio-economic and cultural realities. Hence, ICT can be a significant means of bridging this gap. ICT can be resembled as a magic stick to bringing our people with disabilities to leap-frog if utilized in a coordinated, planned and appropriate manner.
In order to create optimum ICT accessibility for our people with disabilities, a well-coordinated and collaborative effort is inevitable. Recognizing that access to information is a basic human right, United Nations Economic and Social Commission (UNESCAP) in the Asian and Pacific region convened a seminar in June, 2002 with an aim to draw, “Recommendations on Policy/Legislative Guidelines concerning Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region.” 73 participants including 13 resource persons from Japan, Sweden, Thailand, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Hong Kong and USA attended the seminar at different levels. I had my opportunity to participate the seminar as only representative from Bangladesh. To address the digital divide faced by persons with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region and to promote the digital opportunities of persons with disabilities, the participants in the seminar have adopted a set of recommendations including the definitions of "Persons with Disabilities", "Information and Communication Technology (ICT) “and "Accessibility".
According to the recommendations "Persons with Disabilities" means the persons who have limited access to and usage of information and communications technology due to their visual, auditory, physical, cognitive/intellectual, neurological, psychiatric or other types of disabilities, "Information and Communication Technology" (ICT) means all digital as well as analog technology and services that supports human communication, creation, collection and dissemination of knowledge, and other activities for manipulation of information and, "Accessibility" means the measure or condition of things and services that can readily be reached or used (at the physical, visual, auditory and/or cognitive levels) by people including those with disabilities, which could be achieved through design and/or adaptation irrespective of any types of disabilities. The recommendations of the seminar have a clear bearing on the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, Barrier-Free and Rights-Based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific (2002 –2013).
A Complete Bangla version of BMF has been published and disseminated by Association for the Welfare of the Disabled People (AWDP) in Bangladesh (
By resolution 58/4, Governments in the region defined the 7 priority policy areas of action, which, inter alia, includes access to information and communications, including information, communications and assistive technologies. The five targets set out in the Biwako Millennium Framework under the priority area ICTs are: § By 2005, persons with disabilities should have at least the same rate of access to the Internet and related services as the rest of the citizens in a country of the region. § International organizations (e.g. International Telecommunication Union, International Organization for Standardization, World Trade Organization, World Wide Web Consortium, Motion Picture Engineering Group) responsible for international ICT standards should, by 2004, incorporate accessibility standards for persons with disabilities in their international ICT standards.
§ Governments should adopt, by 2005, ICT accessibility guidelines for persons with disabilities in their national ICT policies and specifically include persons with disabilities as their target beneficiary group with appropriate measures.
§ Governments should develop and coordinate a standardized sign language, finger Braille, tactile sign language, in each country and to disseminate and teach the results through all means, i.e. publications, CD-ROMs, etc.
§ Governments should establish a system in each country to train and dispatch sign language interpreters, Braille transcribers, finger Braille interpreters, and human readers and encourage their employment. From an international perspective, the importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) for development has been considered at the highest level. For example, in the United Nations "Millennium Declaration" (General Assembly resolution 55/2), heads of State and Government resolved, "to ensure that the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communication technologies, in conformity with recommendations contained in the ECOSOC 2000 Ministerial Declaration, are available to all". As such, reference to people with disabilities does not feature in this resolution, though its text can be applied to interpret the right of equal access to people with disabilities. The UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with disabilities, 1993 is the first instrument that spells out in Rule 5, that “States should recognize the overall importance of accessibility in the process of the equalization of opportunities in all spheres of society. For persons with disabilities of any kind, States should (a) introduce programmes of action to make the physical environment accessible; and (b) undertake measures to provide access to information and communication.”
Many Governments have adopted policies in the light of the Standard Rules. The UNESCAP has defined Accessibility as “the measure or condition of things and services that can readily be reached or used (at the physical, visual, auditory and/or cognitive levels) by people including those with disabilities…” joint report (e-Inclusion) by the European Commission and the High Level Group on Employment and Social Dimension of the Information Society (ESDIS), people with disabilities are very specifically referred and it is stressed that no one is excluded from the knowledge-based society and new information and communication technologies, in particular, people with disabilities.
As ICT is a global issue and the technology is changing rapidly. Therefore it is very important for us to continue to watch on the recent development and we cannot keep us apart from international development of ICT as well as extending our efforts to adopt those technologies in the country context. As such, we should have a clear understanding on the existing scenario of ICT facilities, services and practices in the country through an ICT Accessibility Study or other means. All possible efforts should be taken to make optimum utilization of our existing resources, services and facilities as well as making our audience familiar with the in-built accessibility options, (i.e. using sticky keys, filter keys, mouse keys, display contrast) adaptation and modification features of the operating systems. Efforts should be taken to design, develop and distribution of accessible ICT products like transcriber, interface, software and assistive technology products.
We should introduce universal concepts and techniques for ICT Accessibility to all categories of disabled people like visually and physically challenged, hearing and speech impaired, intellectually disabled, autistic children and others. Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) can make a leap-frog in promoting education and learning materials for visually impaired people in Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh, books and education materials in DAISY format are getting increasing attention and interest of visually impaired students and people day by day. Unique, innovative and need oriented efforts should be taken to enhance accessibility of persons with disabilities to ICT and wider dissemination of such efforts and experiences. We should take supplementary, complementary and collaborative efforts within the ICT-related stakeholders and sectors. Efforts should be taken to make best use of the existing Policy guidelines and legislative support and tools. We have our national policy guidelines and legislation on ICT, we have national and international instruments and tools for people with disabilities where issues of the ICT accessibility have been emphasized. And, now, is the time to intervene.
As such, there is no alternative of simultaneous initiatives from the government, private sectors and the civil society sectors to bringing our vision into reality. Huge opportunities could be created for people with disabilities through the promotion of ICT accessibility for all. And ICT can play its role as a magic stick for enabling people with disabilities in Bangladesh as well as in this region.

People with disabilities in Bangladesh have already been lagging far behind the mainstream development as well as of our socio-economic and cultural activities. Hence, ICT can be a significant means of bridging this gap. It is strongly felt that none of us should be left out in isolation in this highly competitive, useful and exciting digital world. And this is why ICT accessibility is very important to all of us, especially, the people with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are an inevitable part of the society and more than 10 percent of our total population is comprised of them. And still they are considered as a burden and liability to the family as well as to the community. If we cannot integrate these large number disabled persons into the mainstream development of the nation our national development would be belated.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is one of the most important and vital field intervention through which the disabled persons could be successfully integrated into different faculties of development it can immensely benefit people with disability and community as well of the community. ICT is of course an enabling technology and we should not loose sight of this fact. It is strongly felt that none of us should be left out in isolation in this highly useful and challenging digital world. And this is why ICT accessibility has become important to all of us, especially, the people with disabilities. As we know persons with disabilities in Bangladesh have already been lagging far behind the mainstream development because of their disability as well as of our socio-economic and cultural realities. Hence, ICT can be a significant means of bridging this gap. ICT can be resembled as a magic stick to bringing our people with disabilities to leap-frog if utilized in a coordinated, planned and appropriate manner.
In order to create optimum ICT accessibility for our people with disabilities, a well-coordinated and collaborative effort is inevitable. Recognizing that access to information is a basic human right, United Nations Economic and Social Commission (UNESCAP) in the Asian and Pacific region convened a seminar in June, 2002 with an aim to draw, “Recommendations on Policy/Legislative Guidelines concerning Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region.” 73 participants including 13 resource persons from Japan, Sweden, Thailand, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Hong Kong and USA attended the seminar at different levels. I had my opportunity to participate the seminar as only representative from Bangladesh. To address the digital divide faced by persons with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region and to promote the digital opportunities of persons with disabilities, the participants in the seminar have adopted a set of recommendations including the definitions of "Persons with Disabilities", "Information and Communication Technology (ICT) “and "Accessibility".
According to the recommendations "Persons with Disabilities" means the persons who have limited access to and usage of information and communications technology due to their visual, auditory, physical, cognitive/intellectual, neurological, psychiatric or other types of disabilities, "Information and Communication Technology" (ICT) means all digital as well as analog technology and services that supports human communication, creation, collection and dissemination of knowledge, and other activities for manipulation of information and, "Accessibility" means the measure or condition of things and services that can readily be reached or used (at the physical, visual, auditory and/or cognitive levels) by people including those with disabilities, which could be achieved through design and/or adaptation irrespective of any types of disabilities. The recommendations of the seminar have a clear bearing on the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, Barrier-Free and Rights-Based Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific (2002 –2013).
A Complete Bangla version of BMF has been published and disseminated by Association for the Welfare of the Disabled People (AWDP) in Bangladesh (
By resolution 58/4, Governments in the region defined the 7 priority policy areas of action, which, inter alia, includes access to information and communications, including information, communications and assistive technologies. The five targets set out in the Biwako Millennium Framework under the priority area ICTs are: § By 2005, persons with disabilities should have at least the same rate of access to the Internet and related services as the rest of the citizens in a country of the region. § International organizations (e.g. International Telecommunication Union, International Organization for Standardization, World Trade Organization, World Wide Web Consortium, Motion Picture Engineering Group) responsible for international ICT standards should, by 2004, incorporate accessibility standards for persons with disabilities in their international ICT standards.
§ Governments should adopt, by 2005, ICT accessibility guidelines for persons with disabilities in their national ICT policies and specifically include persons with disabilities as their target beneficiary group with appropriate measures.
§ Governments should develop and coordinate a standardized sign language, finger Braille, tactile sign language, in each country and to disseminate and teach the results through all means, i.e. publications, CD-ROMs, etc.
§ Governments should establish a system in each country to train and dispatch sign language interpreters, Braille transcribers, finger Braille interpreters, and human readers and encourage their employment. From an international perspective, the importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) for development has been considered at the highest level. For example, in the United Nations "Millennium Declaration" (General Assembly resolution 55/2), heads of State and Government resolved, "to ensure that the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communication technologies, in conformity with recommendations contained in the ECOSOC 2000 Ministerial Declaration, are available to all". As such, reference to people with disabilities does not feature in this resolution, though its text can be applied to interpret the right of equal access to people with disabilities. The UN Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with disabilities, 1993 is the first instrument that spells out in Rule 5, that “States should recognize the overall importance of accessibility in the process of the equalization of opportunities in all spheres of society. For persons with disabilities of any kind, States should (a) introduce programmes of action to make the physical environment accessible; and (b) undertake measures to provide access to information and communication.”
Many Governments have adopted policies in the light of the Standard Rules. The UNESCAP has defined Accessibility as “the measure or condition of things and services that can readily be reached or used (at the physical, visual, auditory and/or cognitive levels) by people including those with disabilities…” joint report (e-Inclusion) by the European Commission and the High Level Group on Employment and Social Dimension of the Information Society (ESDIS), people with disabilities are very specifically referred and it is stressed that no one is excluded from the knowledge-based society and new information and communication technologies, in particular, people with disabilities.
As ICT is a global issue and the technology is changing rapidly. Therefore it is very important for us to continue to watch on the recent development and we cannot keep us apart from international development of ICT as well as extending our efforts to adopt those technologies in the country context. As such, we should have a clear understanding on the existing scenario of ICT facilities, services and practices in the country through an ICT Accessibility Study or other means. All possible efforts should be taken to make optimum utilization of our existing resources, services and facilities as well as making our audience familiar with the in-built accessibility options, (i.e. using sticky keys, filter keys, mouse keys, display contrast) adaptation and modification features of the operating systems. Efforts should be taken to design, develop and distribution of accessible ICT products like transcriber, interface, software and assistive technology products.
We should introduce universal concepts and techniques for ICT Accessibility to all categories of disabled people like visually and physically challenged, hearing and speech impaired, intellectually disabled, autistic children and others. Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) can make a leap-frog in promoting education and learning materials for visually impaired people in Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh, books and education materials in DAISY format are getting increasing attention and interest of visually impaired students and people day by day. Unique, innovative and need oriented efforts should be taken to enhance accessibility of persons with disabilities to ICT and wider dissemination of such efforts and experiences. We should take supplementary, complementary and collaborative efforts within the ICT-related stakeholders and sectors. Efforts should be taken to make best use of the existing Policy guidelines and legislative support and tools. We have our national policy guidelines and legislation on ICT, we have national and international instruments and tools for people with disabilities where issues of the ICT accessibility have been emphasized. And, now, is the time to intervene.
As such, there is no alternative of simultaneous initiatives from the government, private sectors and the civil society sectors to bringing our vision into reality. Huge opportunities could be created for people with disabilities through the promotion of ICT accessibility for all. And ICT can play its role as a magic stick for enabling people with disabilities in Bangladesh as well as in this region.
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